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Award Information, Nomination Procedures & Deadlines
Below, you will find further details about professorships and awards, processes and procedures, and deadlines.
The deadline for nominations for 2024-25 is Dec. 20, 2024. We encourage you to submit materials as soon as possible.
Please note that the following is only for Georgia State faculty awards, Regents’ Professorships, Distinguished University Professorships, and teaching and learning awards through CETLOE. Fulbright U.S. Scholars awards are handled through the U.S. Department of State (please see the GSU Fulbrights page for more.)
Regents' and Distinguished University Professorships
Regents’ Professorship
Regents’ Professorships are bestowed on the most distinguished faculty of Georgia State University, whose scholarly achievements are recognized both nationally and internationally as innovative and renowned. The appointment is made by the University System of Georgia’s Board of Regents on recommendation of the President of GSU as per BOR policy manual 8.3.2:
8.3.2 Regents’ Professorships
Regents’ Professorships may be granted by the Board of Regents to outstanding faculty members of the Georgia Institute of Technology, the University of Georgia, the Medical College of Georgia, Georgia State University, and, in special circumstances approved by the Board, other USG institutions. A Regents’ Professorship shall be awarded by the Board only upon the unanimous recommendation of the president, the chief academic officer, the appropriate academic dean, and three (3) other members of the faculty to be named by the president, and upon the approval of the Chancellor and the Committee on Academic Affairs (BoR Minutes, October 2008).
A Regents’ Professorship shall be granted by the Board for a period of three (3) years. Consideration of the renewal of the professorship for a second three-year period shall be given by the Board upon recommendation of the president of the institution, the Chancellor, and the Committee on Academic Affairs. After a period of six (6) years the Regents’ Professorship shall be renewed at the discretion of the president of the institution (BoR Minutes, August 2011).
Eligibility and Criteria
To be eligible for consideration, nominees must hold the rank of Professor. Normally, the nominee will have a record of at least ten years at the rank of Professor.
Criteria used in the evaluation process include:
- Sustained, and recent, significant achievement in scholarship (or other creative activity appropriate to the discipline) that has earned high national and, as relevant, international citation and recognition. These scholarly contributions must be at a level that clearly exceeds what is expected for meritorious Professors.
- A sustained record of highly effective promotion of learning. A Regents’ Professor is expected to excel in formal instruction, in the dissemination of knowledge to national audiences, and in the active and successful mentoring of master’s and doctoral degree students
- Substantial contributions in service to the discipline and to Georgia State University, including a sustained record of significant positive involvement in the life of the university.
Confidential nominations must come from the candidate’s Dean or a Regents’ Professor. The nomination materials must include the following, as three separate files:
- A letter of nomination detailing the accomplishments of the nominee and how they meet the criteria for Regents’ Professor. If the nominator is a Regents’ Professor, the Dean must be a co-signatory for the nomination letter.
- A curriculum vitae of the candidate; and
- Names and contact information of at least 6 external referees who have a national or international reputation in the nominee’s discipline/field of research. External referees should have no more than a limited personal or professional relationship to the candidate, with any such relationship identified in the supporting materials. The Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs will contact the referees to obtain the minimum 3 confidential external letters of evaluation needed to complete the candidate’s dossier.
For renewals of Regents’ Professorships, nominations need to include only #1 and #2 above. External letters are not required. The cover letter should highlight the achievements of the nominee since the initial award.
Where to Submit
Nomination packages should be emailed as 3 separate file attachments to [email protected] by the deadline listed above.
Completed nomination dossiers will be reviewed by an ad hoc review committee appointed by the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost. This committee will consist of three current Regents’ Professors who represent the nominations received. The advisory committee will keep all information regarding the nomination and review confidential, will review the nominees’ credentials, and will provide their assessment and recommendations to the Provost. Taking into account the committee assessments and her own independent review of candidates, the Provost will forward her recommendations to the President for approval and transmittal to the Board of Regents.
The Regents’ Professorship is granted for an initial period of three years. Regents’ Professor awardees will receive a salary supplement as long as they hold the Regents’ Professor title. The amount of the supplement will be set by the Provost.
A Regents’ Professorship is considered an appointment to a non-endowed professorship title and not a promotion. At the time of appointment, a new Regents’ Professor must not hold or must relinquish the title of Distinguished University Professor. However, a Regents’ Professor may simultaneously hold an Endowed Named Professorship. Consideration for renewal of the Regents’ Professorship for a second three-year period shall follow the BOR requirements.
Distinguished University Professorship
The appointment of Distinguished University Professor at Georgia State University is intended to recognize a sustained and outstanding record in scholarship and instruction, and to provide the impetus for continuing high achievement. Distinguished University Professors are expected to serve the University as exemplary faculty members by contributing to its research, instructional, and service missions.
The term of the Distinguished University Professor is five years and may be renewed once upon successful re-application and re-evaluation. No more than 5 percent of the University’s tenured faculty members may hold this title at any time.
Eligibility and Criteria
All nominees must be tenured graduate faculty at the rank of Full Professor.
Criteria for selection include:
- A sustained and ongoing record of exemplary research and scholarly accomplishments significantly above that expected for the nominee’s rank;
- A continuous record of significant external, competitive funding when available based on discipline;
- Recognition for creative and original contributions to knowledge and the potential to continue this trajectory;
- Recognition of national and international leadership in the scholarly or creative field;
- Excellence in teaching and instructional accomplishments; and
- Contributions in service to the discipline, the university, and/or the community.
An individual must be confidentially nominated for a Distinguished University Professorship by the nominee’s Dean. Nomination packages include:
- A cover letter documenting the extraordinary achievements of the nominee (3 pages maximum);
- The nominee’s current curriculum vitae; and
- Three letters of support from other distinguished scholars in the area of specialization. The supporting letters should be from individuals who have no close personal or professional relationship with the nominee.
- Brief biographies of the referees.
For renewals of Distinguished University Professorship for a second term, nominations need to include only #1 and #2 above. External letters are not required. The cover letter should highlight the achievements of the nominee since the initial award.
Nomination materials should be emailed as one file attachment to [email protected] by the deadline listed above.
View past recipients of the Distinguished University Professorship
Georgia State Faculty Awards
Exceptional Service Award
The purpose of this award is to recognize a faculty member for exceptional, sustained, and impactful accomplishments in service. This award competition is open to all GSU full-time faculty members who have at least 4 years of faculty employment at GSU.
Eligibility and Criteria
Criteria for evaluation include:
- A record of sustained and high-impact service to the University, the profession, and/or the wider community that go above and beyond service activities considered to be part of the faculty member’s normal workload. Examples include exemplary service on GSU committees, leadership in professional organizations, service on nationally prominent panels and taskforces, and community service related to the faculty member’s academic field and position at the University:
- Exceptional service as evidenced by activities which extend beyond normal expectations for the faculty member’s rank, by unique contributions, and/or by longstanding leadership and impact on the University and beyond.
- Evidence of outstanding service contributions paralleled by excellence in other faculty responsibilities.
In the evaluation process, “service” will be understood to exclude research and/or creative activity, activities that are normally considered directly related to a faculty member’s teaching role (e.g., advising, mentoring), and activities that are normally required by a faculty member’s administrative assignments.
Required Documentation
Nomination packets must include:
- A nomination letter from the department chair summarizing and describing how the nominee meets the criteria listed above;
- The nominee’s current curriculum vitae;
- A statement from the candidate (3 pages maximum) speaking to their service activity and its impact; and
- Up to three letters of support from external professional colleagues, Georgia State University colleagues, and/or community members impacted by the nominee’s service.
Application materials should be emailed as a single document to [email protected] by the deadline listed above.
Mentoring Excellence Award
First given in 2023, this award has been renamed in honor of Georgia State Professor Emerita and former Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs Kavita Pandit.
This award recognizes a faculty member who has shown an outstanding dedication to the mentoring of other faculty members. As identified by the Collaborative on Careers in Higher Education (COACHE) faculty satisfaction survey and action plan, the award helps to fulfill the need to increase mentorship at Georgia State and to recognize excellence in this pursuit. The winner of this award will have demonstrated a commitment to fostering the intellectual, creative, scholarly and professional growth; shown a sustained commitment to a mentoring relationship resulting in career growth; and an overall history of service and mentorship to faculty.
Eligibility and Criteria
Criteria for evaluation include:
- A record of service as a faculty mentor, in a formal or informal capacity, to new, junior, and/or mid-career faculty at GSU over a continuous period
- A demonstrated commitment to fostering the intellectual, creative, scholarly, and/or professional growth of mentees so that they may function effectively and with measurable success at GSU, in the community, and/or at the national and international level
- An overall track record of quality and effectiveness in mentoring and service to the faculty
Required Documentation
Nomination packets must include:
- A nomination letter from the department chair summarizing and describing how the nominee meets the criteria listed above;
- The nominee’s current curriculum vitae
- A statement from the candidate (3 pages maximum) speaking to their mentoring activities and their impact; and
- Up to three letters of support from Georgia State University colleagues, external colleagues, and/or community members that can speak to the nominee’s mentoring. One letter must be from a current or former GSU mentee. The letters should provide examples of how the candidate has excelled at mentoring and should describe the impact their mentoring efforts have had on the career development and success of other faculty.
Nomination materials should be emailed as one file attachment to [email protected] by the deadline listed above.
A list of award winners will be kept here.
Outstanding Non-Tenure Track Faculty Achievement Award
This award recognizes an NTT faculty member for outstanding achievements in their assigned areas of specialty (scholarship/creative works and/or teaching and/or service). It is open to Georgia State faculty members who have been at Georgia State University for at least four years at the following ranks: Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Academic Professional Associate, Academic Professional, Senior Academic Professional, Clinical Instructor, Clinical Assistant Professor, Clinical Associate Professor, Instructor, Artist-in-Residence, Expert-in-Residence, Law Librarian Instructor, Law Librarian Assistant Professor, Law Librarian Associate Professor, Librarian Instructor, Librarian Assistant Professor, Librarian Associate Professor, Professor of Practice, Research Assistant Professor, and Research Associate Professor.
(Faculty holding the title of: Principal Senior Lecturer, Principal Academic Professional, Clinical (Full) Professor, or Research (Full) Professor are not eligible for this award.
Eligibility and Criteria
Criteria for selection include outstanding achievement in the areas associated with a faculty member’s primary responsibilities. This may include:
- A record of exemplary scholarly accomplishments over and above that expected for the nominee’s rank and/or
- Ongoing excellence in instructional accomplishment over and above that expected for the nominee’s rank and/or
- Contributions in service to Georgia State, the discipline, and/or the community above and beyond that expected for the nominee’s rank.
Required Documentation
Nomination packets must include:
- A nomination letter from the department chair summarizing and describing how the nominee meets the award criteria based on the faculty member’s workload effort reporting as it relates to teaching, service, and scholarship/creative works;
- The nominee’s current curriculum vitae;
- Up to three letters of support from professional colleagues and/or Georgia State University colleagues.
Application materials should be emailed as a single document to [email protected] by the deadline listed above.
A list of previous winners is available here.
Outstanding Tenure Track Faculty Achievement Award
This award recognizes a faculty member for outstanding achievements across all three areas of scholarship, teaching and service. It is open to GSU graduate faculty members at the Assistant or Associate Professor rank who have been at Georgia State University for at least four years.
Eligibility and Criteria
Criteria for selection include:
- A record of exemplary scholarly accomplishments over and above that expected for the nominee’s rank;
- Ongoing excellence in instructional accomplishment over and above that expected for the nominee’s rank; and
- Contributions in service to GSU, the discipline, and/or the community above and beyond that expected for the nominee’s rank.
Required Documentation
Nomination packets must include:
- A nomination letter from the department chair summarizing and describing how the nominee meets the award criteria listed above;
- The nominee’s current curriculum vitae;
- Up to three letters of support from professional colleagues and/or Georgia State University colleagues.
Application materials should be emailed as a single document to [email protected] by the deadline listed above.
View past recipients of the Outstanding Tenure Track Faculty Achievement Award
Alumni Distinguished Professorship
Georgia State University views the “Teacher-Scholar” as the ideal for University faculty. The Alumni Distinguished Professor award recognizes outstanding faculty who balance and integrate their teaching and scholarship activities.
Eligibility and Criteria
Criteria for selection include:
- Sustained and ongoing excellence in teaching;
- A record of exemplary scholarly accomplishments; and
- A distinguished record of integrating scholarship and teaching in ways that are both rooted in the discipline and supportive of student learning at GSU.
Examples of integration between scholarship and teaching include the effective incorporation of disciplinary scholarship in teaching, application of pedagogical scholarship to shape teaching, and promoting student engagement with contemporary scholarly practices. Conversely, there may be instances where teaching and instructional activities have shaped scholarly and creative activities and products.
Required documentation
Nomination packets must include:
- A nomination letter from the department chair summarizing and describing how the nominee meets the award criteria listed above;
- The nominee’s current curriculum vitae;
- A statement from the candidate (3 pages maximum) speaking to how they have successfully integrated their scholarship and teaching activities; and
- Up to three letters of support from external professional colleagues, Georgia State University colleagues, and/or current and former students.
Application materials should be emailed as a single document to [email protected] by the deadline listed above.
View past recipients of the Alumni Distinguished Professorship
Teaching Awards Through the Center for Excellence in Teaching, Learning & Online Education (CETLOE)
For the CETLOE awards listed below, please send nominations to [email protected].
Instructional Effectiveness Award
The purpose of the Instructional Effectiveness Award is to recognize an instructor who demonstrates a strong commitment to teaching and student success and to share at the university level outstanding approaches in instruction that are creative and effective in engaging students in the learning process.
Eligibility and Criteria
All GSU full-time faculty are eligible to apply. The evaluation criteria are the strength of the learning principles or theories, the persuasiveness of the analyses of evidence of learning effectiveness, and the potential of the approach as a model for application across other courses and programs.
Required Documentation
Nomination packages should include:
- A summary of the instructional approach and documentation of its effectiveness (3 pages maximum):
- Why the approach was thought to enable improved learning;
- What and how different learning principles or theories were applied in the instruction; and
- How the evidence of improved learning was attributed to the approach.
- Nominee’s current curriculum vitae
- Letter of support from the Department Chair. If your unit does note have a chair, then a letter of support from your Associate Dean.
- Brief statement of support College Dean or an Associate Dean. The approval can just be a statement such as “I have reviewed this application and approve of this nomination.” If your Associate Dean writes your letter of support, you will not need an additional statement.
Please contact CETLOE at [email protected] if you have questions.
View past recipients of the Instructional Effectiveness Award
Instructional Innovation Award
The purpose of the Instructional Innovation Award is to recognize and share at the university level outstanding innovations in teaching that result in improved learning. This award recognizes innovative teaching practices designed to improve student learning in online, blended, or face-to-face courses. Innovations may include any novel teaching strategy or tool designed to enhance student learning.
Eligibility and Criteria
All GSU full-time faculty are eligible to apply. The evaluation criteria are the strength of the learning principles or theories, the extent to which the approach used is unique and innovative at Georgia State, the persuasiveness of the analyses of evidence of improved learning, and the potential of the innovation as a model for application across other courses and programs.
Required Documentation
Nomination packages should include:
- A summary of the instructional innovation and the learning associated with it (three pages maximum):
- A description of the innovation and how it was used in your class;
- Why the innovation was thought to enable improved learning; and
- How the evidence of improved learning was attributed to the innovation.
- Nominee’s current curriculum vitae
- Letter of support from the Department Chair. If your unit does note have a chair, then a letter of support from your Associate Dean.
- Brief statement of support College Dean or an Associate Dean. The approval can just be a statement such as “I have reviewed this application and approve of this nomination.” If your Associate Dean writes your letter of support, you will not need an additional statement.
Please contact CETLOE at [email protected] if you have questions.
Regents’ Teaching Awards
CETLOE manages GSU’s nominations for these University System of Georgia awards as each institution may submit only one nominee from the Atlanta Campus and one nominee from Perimeter College for each of these awards below.
The University System of Georgia’s Board of Regents awards a number of Teaching Excellence Awards annually. These include:
- Regents’ Award for Excellence in High-Impact Practices and Experiential Learning
- Regents’ Momentum Year Award for Excellence in Advising and Student Success
- Regents’ Momentum Year Award for Excellence in Teaching and Curricular Innovation
- Regents’ Teaching Excellence Awards for Department or Program
- Regents’ Teaching Excellence Awards for Online Teaching
- Felton Jenkins, Jr. Hall of Fame Faculty Awards
- Regents’ Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Awards
Contact CETLOE at [email protected] if you have questions.
Georgia State faculty and departments previously honored by the USG with teaching awards are listed here in the awards pages of the Faculty Affairs website.
Teaching for Social Justice and Democracy Award
The purpose of this award is to recognize and reward instructors who integrate current social justice issues into their courses to better engage Georgia State students in order to help them to develop their social, emotional and expressive capacities. This award recognizes instructional strategies that have been used to successfully incorporate social justice themes into various disciplines and result in positive student outcomes.
All GSU full-time faculty are eligible to apply.
Required Documentation
Nomination packages should include:
- A statement of how you integrate current issues on social justice into your courses(s) (maximum two pages).
- You can self-nominate or be nominated by your chair or an Associate Dean.
Nominations should be sent to [email protected].