GSU Faculty AwardsGSU Faculty Awards AwardsAward Nominations Regents Professors Distinguished University Professorships Alumni Distinguished Professorships Outstanding Faculty Achievement Awards Teaching and Instructional Awards Kavita K. Pandit Mentoring Excellence Award Exceptional Service Awards Fulbright Scholars GEORGIA STATE FACULTY AWARDS Through the Office of Faculty Affairs ALUMNI DISTINGUISHED PROFESSORSHIPSOUTSTANDING FACULTY ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS (Tenure Track and Non-Tenure Track) KAVITA K. PANDIT MENTORING EXCELLENCE AWARDEXCEPTIONAL SERVICE AWARDS SHORTCUTS TO OTHER AWARDS & HONORS TEACHING & INSTRUCTIONAL AWARDS (CETLOE)REGENTS' PROFESSORS AT GSU (USG)DISTINGUISHED UNIVERSITY PROFESSORSFULBRIGHT SCHOLARS FROM GEORGIA STATE (U.S. DEPARTMENT OF STATE)GUIDE & DEADLINES: HOW TO NOMINATE GEORGIA STATE FACULTY FOR AWARDS