Faculty Awards, Professorships, and Promotion and Tenure
Celebrating Faculty Excellence 2022
Learn more about newly appointed and reappointed Regents’ Professors and Distinguished Professors, faculty award winners, and promotion and tenure lists below.
For questions or more information about faculty awards, please email us here.
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Regents’ Professors
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Xiaochun He
Dr. He is a Professor of Physics and Astronomy and Computer Science in the College of Arts and Sciences and he is being reappointed as a Regents’ Professor.
His research area is experimental high-energy nuclear physics. He is considered a world leader in nuclear and high energy physics and has brought significant recognition to Georgia State through his collaborative work at the PHENIX (Pioneering High Energy Nuclear Interaction Experiment) project at the Brookhaven National labs. The PHENIX project is the largest of the four experiments at the facility with the aim of investigating high energy collisions of heavy ions and protons to discover and study a new state of matter
Dr. He’s scientific leadership has translated into many impactful publications. He has published 228 papers in peer-reviewed journals, and has given over 80 meeting presentations and 43 conference proceedings. Dr. He’s work is widely recognized at the international level.
Dr. He has been highly successful in attracting funding for his research programs. Most of his support has come from the U.S. Department of Energy, which has awarded him a series of significant external research grants continuously from 1996 to the present. From 2016-2021, Dr. He has received a total of $3.931,800 in grant funding.

Mark Keil
Dr. Keil is the John B. Zellars Professor of Computer Information Systems in the J. Mack Robinson College of Business and he has earned a reappointment as a Regents’ Professor.

Paul Lombardo
Professor Lombardo is a Bobby Lee Cook Endowed Professor of Law in the College of Law and with this second reappointment, will now be considered a permanent Regents’ Professor.
Professor Lombardo has published extensively on various topics in health law, medico-legal history, and bio-ethics. He is well known for his work on the legal history of the American eugenics movement and is nationally recognized. Professor Lombardo has published extensively in several journals such as the Journal of Law, Medicine, and Ethics, Journal of Legal Medicine, and the Journal of Southern Legal History. The revised second edition of his book, Three Generations. No Imbeciles: Eugenics, the Supreme Court and Buck v. Bell was recently published by Johns Hopkins University Press.
Professor Lombardo’s publications generate more than 100 citations per year in Law Review articles, peer-reviewed articles, books, dissertations, and theses.

Pamela Longobardi
Professsor Longobardi is a Professor of Art & Design in the College of the Arts and she is being reappointed as a Regents’ Professor.
Her research and creative activities are recognized locally, nationally, and internationally. She recently had a solo exhibition entitled Ocean Gleaning at the Baker Museum of Art in Naples, FL and won the Margie West prize for her solo exhibition, Flat Earth Society: A Visitation, at the Lamar Dodd Gallery in Athens, GA. Recent group shows were completed in Lecce, Italy and in London, UK. Among the venues in which she has exhibited, the Venice Biennale is considered one of the most prestigious cultural events in the world and is often referred to as “the Olympics of the Art World.”
Professor Longobardi’s works have been purchased by the High Museum in Atlanta and will become a part of their permanent collection. Similarly, the Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art purchased a work for their State of the Art exhibition, which traveled across the U.S. Her installation “Ghosts of Consumption” was chosen as a featured image and was reproduced in numerous print media, including The Wall Street Journal.
Her most important recent accomplishment is her work on the Drifters Project. Drifters refers to the torrent of discarded plastics that make their way to the ocean to form vast islands of trash and lies at the intersection of art, science, and activism. This project spawned several films, produced by international houses such as National Geographic and independent studios including Picture Window Media and By the Book Productions and her work has also been featured on The Weather Channel and PBS.

Didier Merlin
Dr. Merlin is a Distinguished University Professor of Biomedical Sciences in the Institute of Biomedical Sciences and he has earned an initial appointment as a Regents Professor.

Rose Sevcik
Dr. Sevcik is a Professor of Psychology in the College of Arts and Sciences and with this second reappointment, will now be considered a permanent Regents’ Professor.
Dr. Sevcik’s research interest is in the communication development of children with speech and language disorders and on strategies for teaching children with difficulties in learning to read. A unique strength of Dr. Sevcik’s research is her extensive collaboration including international collaborations in Asia and Africa.
Dr. Sevcik has authored over 100 journal articles and since 2018, has given over 40 presentations at professional conferences around the world. Dr. Sevcik’s professional reputation is also reflected in her recognition by several professional organizations as a fellow and throughout her career, she has been highly successful in securing external funding in support of her research. Since her initial appointment as Regents’ Professor, Dr. Sevcik continues to be active in seeking external funding in support of her research and has served as a co-Pi or co-investigator on three grants.

Jenny Yang
Dr. Yang is a Professor of Chemistry in the College of Arts and Sciences and with this second reappointment, will now be considered a permanent Regents’ Professor.
Dr. Yang is a world-class biochemist and is among the world’s leaders in calcium signaling and new Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) contrast agents. She has designed a class of protein-based MRI contrast agents with much enhanced sensitivity and selectivity in detecting various pathological conditions, including cancer. For this, her research was featured on local TV news (WSB-TV) and has gained a strong international reputation.
In the last three years, Dr. Yang has maintained five research grants as either principal investigator or co-PI from the NIH. One National Institute of Health (NIH) grant was used to purchase a 7T animal MRI scanner. The NIH grant with matching funds from Georgia State University and the College of Arts and Sciences allowed Dr. Yang to set up the Atlanta Translational Imaging Facility in the Petit Science Center. This facility is open to both internal and external users, bringing more visibility to Georgia State.
Dr. Yang’s work has led to over 145 publications with about 40 since her initial appointment as Regent’s Professor. Many of her publications have appeared in the most prestigious journals and she has given over 220 invited seminars, lectures, and presentations at various national and international institutions, conferences, and symposia, with over 50 since her initial appointment.
Distinguished University Professors
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Vikas Agarwal
Dr. Ararwal is the Bank of America Distinguished Chair and Professor of Finance in the J. Mack Robinson College of Business and has earned an initial appointment as a Distinguished University Professor.

Igor Belykh
Dr. Belykh is a Professor of Mathematics and Statistics in the College of Arts and Sciences and has earned an initial appointment as a Distinguished University Professor.
His research focuses on applied dynamical systems, stability and bifurcation theory, graph theory, mathematical biology and neuroscience, biomechanics, stochastic processes, data science, machine learning, and applications in biology and engineering.
His work on the pedestrian-bridge interaction, modeling the sway of a bridge under pedestrian load and gait has received media coverage in the New York Times, Popular Science, and other major news outlets.
Dr. Behlyk is or has been PI on nearly $5M in grants, many as MPI on collaborative grants with researchers at Georgia Tech, NYU, UCF, Florida Atlantic University, and Northwestern University. He has active grants from the National Science Foundation, The Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, and has been funded by the U.S. Army Research. He has published over 63 peer-reviewed articles and has received more than 3580 citations of his work. His research is far-reaching and highly relevant to critical matters.

Beth Gylys
Dr. Gylys is a Professor of English in the College of Arts and Sciences and has earned an initial appointment as a Distinguished University Professor.
Dr. Gylys has published seven books of poems, four sole-authored, one co-authored, and two chapbooks, or short books of poetry. Her works have been highly praised by award winning poets, and her books have been published with highly regarded presses.
In 2016 she was a finalist for the Georgia Author of the Year. Her book Body Braille was named One of the Books all Georgians Should Read in 2021. In praise of her work, Dr. Gylys has been invited to be a poet in residence at the MacDowell Colony in New Hampshire, the Hambidge Center in Georgia, La Muse in France, and the Centre D’Art i Natura in Spain. Dr. Gylys has published in highly respected presses, attracted praise, and recognized with several awards.
She is a sought-after speaker with a distinguished presence in contemporary American poetry and has recently read her works at Poets of Palm Beaches, University of Western Cape, Reinhardt University, and the Milton Literary Festival Reading.

John Horgan
Dr. Horgan is a Professor of Psychology in the College of Arts and Sciences, and he has earned a reappointment as a Distinguished University Professor.
Dr. Horgan has established himself as a nationally and internationally recognized scholar in the new area of terrorism studies. His research generally focuses on psychological issues in terrorism and political violence, and in particular on the processes through which people become involved in (and disengage from) terrorism and the psychological mechanisms for sustained commitment to violent extremist groups.
Dr. Horgan is a prolific scholar and has published three books with Routledge, one with Oxford University Press, one with Cornell University Press, and a forthcoming book with Columbia University Press. He published three edited volumes, 24 book chapters, and 77 refereed journal articles. His articles have appeared in major journals in forensic studies, criminology, conflict resolution, and social psychology, as well as conflict and terrorism. His work has been cited more than 10,400 times. He has published 29 articles since the beginning of 2017, and was cited more than 2,500 times in the last two years.
Dr. Horgan has given numerous keynote addresses and invited talks for national and international conferences and institutions such as the United Nations, European Consortium for Political Research, the FBI, the United States Military Academy, and the Department of Justice. His work has been continuously funded by external grants since 2006, including over 2 million dollars in grant support from the Defense Threat Reduction Agency, National Institute of Justice, Office of Naval Research, Department of Homeland Security, and the United Kingdom Government.

Alessandra Raengo
Dr. Raengo is a Professor of Film, Media & Theatre in the College of the Arts has earned an initial appointment as a Distinguished University Professor.
Dr. Raengo’s research operates at the intersection of visual culture studies, film studies, Black studies, art history, and critical theory. Her scholarly output includes two monographs – Critical Race Theory and Bamboozled and On the Sleeve of the Visual: Race as Face Value. Dr.Raengo also has an impressive record of accomplishment with publishing peer-reviewed articles in top-tier journals. She has ten chapters (including in award-winning anthologies) and numerous reviews, introductions, and essays.
Dr. Raengo’s most significant accomplishment is as the founder and editor of “liquid blackness”, which she has shepherded from its infancy as a humble research group at Georgia State to its most recent status as the newest member of the Duke University Press stable of peer-reviewed journals.
Under her leadership “liquid blackness” developed into a multi-pronged project: a theoretical concept, a methodology, a pedagogy, an archival project, a digital humanities initiative archived at the Library of Congress, a curatorial practice, and a praxis of community-building.

Balasubramaniam Ramesh
Dr. Ramesh is a George E. Smith Eminent Scholar’s Chair and Chair of Computer Information Systems in the J. Mack Robinson College of Business and has earned a reappointment as a Distinguished University Professor.
Dr. Ramesh’s many achievements have generated an impressive international reputation. His accomplishments rank him among the most highly respected scholars in information systems globally.
Dr. Ramesh’s research is concerned with software engineering in business and organizational contexts. His work on requirements traceability is regarded as seminal. It provides a key framework for the fundamental issue of how large, long-lasting software projects lead to solutions that satisfy the real business problems for which they were intended. Professor Ramesh is also a leading scholar in agile software development: a mode of software engineering that enables business organizations to gain first-to-market advantages by quickly developing leading-edge software applications.
The impact of his work has recently been recognized by a Stanford study that identifies him as among the top 1.2% out of 16,581 global researchers in Information Systems and his work has received over 8,100 citations to date. Dr. Ramesh additionally has published numerous articles in diverse, highly regarded information systems relevant outlets such as ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems, European Journal of Information Systems, and Information Systems Journal and esteemed outlets in adjacent disciplinary areas.

Veda C. Storey
Dr. Storey is a Tull Professor of Computer Information Systems in the J. Mack Robinson College of Business has earned an initial appointment as a Distinguished University Professor.
Dr. Storey’s primary research interests are in design science, conceptual modeling, and artificial intelligence. Her work on conceptual modeling is considered seminal in the information systems discipline as it provides the theoretical foundation for information technology analysis, design, and development. Dr. Storey has produced more than 100 referred articles over the course of her career and her work on conceptual modeling is a topic of interest to both information systems and computer science researchers.
In 2020, Stanford University’s Meta-Research Innovation Center identified Dr. Storey as one of the top 2% of all scientists in information systems worldwide and she has been recognized with multiple awards and fellowships such as the Peter P. Chen Award and in 2021, the Information Systems Society Distinguished Fellow Award.

Baozhong Wang
Dr. Wang is a Professor of Biomedical Sciences in the Institute for Biomedical Sciences and has earned an initial appointment as a Distinguished University Professor.
Dr. Wang is a world-renowned research leader in the field of developing universal flu and coronavirus vaccines. He has a highly successful research program that focuses on studying the interaction of pathogenic viruses of major clinical importance, including influenza virus, SARS-CoV-2 and HIV, with the host immune system. Dr. Wang’s discoveries have initiated a new area of exploration in the field of viral vaccines. His cutting-edge research allows Dr. Wang to publish papers in highly influential journals and seek patent protections.
The research program developed by Dr. Wang has been exceedingly productive, with 63 publications in highly ranked journals, 34 of which have been published since joining Georgia State. Many of his studies have been published in high-impact journals and his research was highlighted by Georgia State’s Research Magazine, CBS, CNN, the AJC and several international media outlets.
Dr. Wang’s research program has been federally well-funded throughout his career and he has given invited lectures/lectureships to both the international and national scientific communities.
Georgia State Faculty Awards
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Amanda Ellwanger
The Outstanding Non-Tenure Track Faculty Achievement Award recognizes a NTT faculty member for outstanding achievements in their assigned areas of specialty. We have two honorees for this inaugural award.
Dr. Ellwanger is a Lecturer in the Department of Anthropology at Perimeter College.
In just a few years she has had a significant impact on student experience. Across modalities she is a creative and innovative instructor who explores and implements new pedagogical techniques. She was awarded a CETLOE mini-grant to integrate the use of virtual reality as a teaching technique and has served as an “indispensable” leader in the development of Anthropology’s Mastering Online Course template, recognized by CETLOE as exemplary.
To the benefit of her students, she maintains an active research agenda and sponsors students to participate in research conferences.

Jonathan Gayles
The Exceptional Service Award recognizes faculty members for exceptional, sustained, and impactful accomplishments in service.
Dr. Gayles is a professor and chair of Africana Studies. He is also an award-winning documentary filmmaker.
Dr. Gayles has served as an innovative and impactful leader at the department level, developing creative endeavors and opportunities for students. At the college level he has served as Department Chair and as an Associate Dean where he meaningfully enhanced undergraduate education. At the university level he led as Associate Provost, tackling challenges like the Perimeter College consolidation effort. His reach even extends to serving on committees for the Board of Regents.
Dr. Gayles serves on work-intensive influential university committees including significant leadership and effort in numerous DEI initiatives such as the President’s Commission for the Next Generation of Faculty and also the Advisory Board of the new Center for the Study of Africa and its Diaspora. He chaired the President’s and Provost’s Task Force on Racial Equity, during a particularly challenging time. No role has been too big or too small for Dr. Gayles to give his time and expertise, and his efforts have made a significant difference.

Emily Graybill
The Outstanding Non-Tenure Track Faculty Achievement Award recognizes a NTT faculty member for outstanding achievements in their assigned areas of specialty. We have two honorees for this inaugural award.
Dr. Graybill is a Clinical Assistant Professor and Director of the Center for Leadership in Disability in the School of Public Health. She is also Program Director for the Maternal Child Health Certificate Program and Director of the Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities program.
Dr. Graybill has produced an exceptionally strong grant, contract, and publication record, frequently including School of Public Health (SPH) students as authors. She is an excellent instructor, offering experiential learning opportunities to her students, serving on numerous thesis/capstone committees, and developing a successful certificate curriculum.
Dr. Graybill provides training and technical assistance to school districts in Georgia through the Georgia Department of Education’s Project AWARE grant, supporting school districts through the implementation of universal screening for mental health and integrating cultural competence into school-based programs.
Through her work, she has had a profound influence on our students, our university community, Georgia educators, and Georgia families.

Jidong Huang
The Outstanding Faculty Award recognizes faculty for outstanding achievements across all three areas of scholarship, teaching and service.
Dr. Huang is a professor of Health Management and Policy and a Second Century Initiative (2CI) scholar in the Tobacco Center of Regulatory Science at the School of Public Health. He is an internationally-renowned expert in the field of tobacco economics, tobacco regulatory science, tobacco control policy, and tobacco marketing.
Dr. Huang’s research on youth-oriented marketing of e-cigarettes on social media was the first to demonstrate a direct link between this type of marketing and the vaping epidemic among youth. His research resulted in a series of FDA regulatory actions aimed to curb youth-targeted marketing.
Dr. Huang’s prolific research background, in addition to his willingness to help others and serve the academic community with his expertise make him an outstanding scholar.

Katherine Masyn
The Exceptional Service Award recognizes faculty members for exceptional, sustained, and impactful accomplishments in service.
Dr. Masyn is a professor of epidemiology and biostatistics and Associate Dean for Academic & Faculty Affairs for the School of Public Health.
Dr. Masyn has served on or chaired nearly every major committee in her school, working on student affairs, faculty affairs, academic affairs, search committees, and promotion and tenure committees. She has consistently served as a mentor to faculty and students. Dr. Masyn also founded and developed the interdisciplinary QUEST Center.
Dr. Masyn’s colleagues describe her as enthusiastic and empathetic and tout her excellent strategic thinking and organizational skills—a recipe for impactful service leadership. Her service is notably purposeful, with a focus on promoting inclusive excellence through varied innovations such as revising admissions processes to promote equity, building the AIR Pipeline Partnership Program, or helping to create the PRISM faculty affinity group.
Despite this above and beyond service commitment, she’s been able to maintain a successful research program and build a reputation as a top scholar in her field, serving in prestigious editorships and editorial board positions.
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Ruchi Bhatnagar
Teaching for Social Justice and Democracy Award
Dr. Bhatnagar is a Clinical Associate Professor in the College of Education and Human Development. She serves as the assessment coordinator for the unit of teacher education and coordinates all efforts around assessment and accreditation in the college.
Dr. Bhatnagar is an educator who encourages students to reflect and critically analyze issues of social justice and equity in education. In her courses, students explore how culture, language, identity, equity, access, history, and oppressive structures shape educational environments and student outcomes.
Dr. Bhatnagar’s courses provide an essential experience for students who have not yet had the opportunity to think deeply about issues of inequity and oppression. Students connect more deeply with the content after experiencing the interactive activities in her class, the assignments focusing on current events, seeing history unfold through readings, and recognizing the importance of equity issues in our society.

Evaristo F. Doria
Instructional Innovation Award
Dr. Doria is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of International Business within the J. Mack Robinson College of Business and co-leads the US – Latin America Program (USLAT). USLAT connects U.S. businesses and entrepreneurs to their counterparts in Latin America.
Dr. Doria utilizes innovative technology and field projects to create such projects as the first Study Abroad Programs in Virtual Reality at GSU. One of his many accolades includes the Professor of the Year Award from the MIB Program.
Known for implementing innovative pedagogical tools and approaches, Dr. Doria is a dedicated colleague who experiments with new ways of engaging the students and motivating them to learn.

Desmond Goss
Teaching for Social Justice and Democracy Award
Dr. Goss is a Lecturer in the Department of Sociology within the College of Arts and Sciences.
Dr. Goss incorporates social justice into their courses by providing theoretical underpinnings for social justice as well as the opportunity to enact social justice in the real-world. They encourage students to critically analyze moral philosophies of social justice, they train students in the basics of social organizing for democracy, and then they require students to link the two.
As a cofounder and Director of the Social Justice Certificate Program, Dr. Goss provides students with conceptual and theoretical training in social justice. They are a theory-driven mixed-methods scholar-activist, whose research, teaching, and service involves critical analyses of lived experiences and power at the intersection of varied sociopolitical identities, particularly race, gender, and sexuality, for the sustenance of radically liberated communities.

Jennifer Sengin
Instructional Effectiveness Award
Jennifer Sengin is a Lecturer and the Associate Director of Choral Activities in the School of Music within the College of the Arts. As a teacher-conductor, she focuses on music written by women composers, women poets, and composers of color, highlighting music that focuses on the lived experiences of women – a group often left out of the formal study of western European art music. She values opportunities to learn about the students’ backgrounds and finds ways to integrate their identities and lived experiences into the repertoire.
Dr. Sengin reinstated the Women’s Chorus at GSU in Spring 2019 after a yearlong hiatus and restructured the choral program. Since that time, her class has outgrown the largest rehearsal space that the School of Music occupies, with her course enrolling over 120 students. She has been described as one of the most engaged faculty members in the School of Music and is innovative and successful in all she does. Her teaching is a beacon of light and a model for each to see. She is an amazing colleague, artistic musician/conductor, skilled teacher, fervent recruiter, and dedicated Georgia State University faculty member.
Celebrating Faculty Excellence Photo Gallery
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Promotion & Tenure
The following individuals were recognized for achieving promotion, tenure, or promotion and tenure, during the 2022 Celebrating Faculty Excellence event. Faculty are listed in order by college, then in alphabetical order by last name.
First Name | Last Name | Rank | College | Department |
David | Maimon | Professor | Andrew Young School of Policy Studies | Criminal Justice & Criminology |
Eric | Sevigny | Professor | Andrew Young School of Policy Studies | Criminal Justice & Criminology |
Joseph | Bellon | Principal Senior Lecturer | College of Arts and Sciences | Communication |
Michael | Black | Principal Senior Lecturer | College of Arts and Sciences | Neuroscience |
Lee | Branum-Martin | Professor | College of Arts and Sciences | Psychology |
Matthew | Brewer | Principal Academic Professional | College of Arts and Sciences | Biology |
Zhipeng | Cai | Professor | College of Arts and Sciences | Computer Science |
Ian | Campbell | Professor | College of Arts and Sciences | World Languages & Cultures |
Carl | Collins | Principal Academic Professional | College of Arts and Sciences | English |
Grace Dorea | da Rosa | Senior Lecturer | College of Arts and Sciences | Gerontology |
Vonetta | Dotson | Professor | College of Arts and Sciences | Psychology |
Timothy | Flemming | Senior Lecturer | College of Arts and Sciences | Psychology |
Sarah | Friedman | Senior Lecturer | College of Arts and Sciences | Sociology |
Olga | Glebova | Senior Lecturer | College of Arts and Sciences | Computer Science |
Desmond | Goss | Senior Lecturer | College of Arts and Sciences | Sociology |
Jennifer | Hall | Principal Academic Professional | College of Arts and Sciences | English |
Laura | Hastings | Principal Senior Lecturer | College of Arts and Sciences | Political Science |
Andrea | Jurjevic | Senior Lecturer | College of Arts and Sciences | English |
Chad | Keller | Senior Lecturer | College of Arts and Sciences | History |
Stephanie | Kerce | Senior Lecturer | College of Arts and Sciences | Political Science |
L. | Larsson | Principal Senior Lecturer | College of Arts and Sciences | Applied Linguistics & ESL |
Hui | Liu | Senior Academic Professional | College of Arts and Sciences | Mathematics & Statistics |
Victoria | Mariani | Principal Senior Lecturer | College of Arts and Sciences | Chemistry |
Jeremy | Maune | Senior Lecturer | College of Arts and Sciences | Physics & Astronomy |
Robert | Maxwell | Principal Academic Professional | College of Arts and Sciences | Biology |
Seyda | Ozcaliskan | Professor | College of Arts and Sciences | Psychology |
Carrie | Packwood-Freeman | Professor | College of Arts and Sciences | Communication |
Gregory | Poon | Professor | College of Arts and Sciences | Chemistry |
Rasha | Ramzy | Principal Senior Lecturer | College of Arts and Sciences | Communication |
Ute | Römer | Professor | College of Arts and Sciences | Applied Linguistics & ESL |
Kelvin | Rozier | Senior Lecturer | College of Arts and Sciences | Mathematics & Statistics |
Sutandra | Sarkar | Principal Academic Professional | College of Arts and Sciences | Mathematics & Statistics |
Megan | Wilson | Senior Lecturer | College of Arts and Sciences | Psychology |
Bin | Xu | Principal Academic Professional | College of Arts and Sciences | Chemistry |
Hae Sung | Yang | Senior Lecturer | College of Arts and Sciences | Applied Linguistics & ESL |
Senmei | Yao | Senior Lecturer | College of Arts and Sciences | Mathematics & Statistics |
Susan | Auslander | Professor | College of Education & Human Development | Early Childhood & Elementary Education |
Tonia | Durden | Clinical Professor | College of Education & Human Development | Early Childhood & Elementary Education |
Janice | Fournillier | Professor | College of Education & Human Development | Educational Policy Studies |
Katharine | Kurumada | Clinical Associate Professor | College of Education & Human Development | Early Childhood & Elementary Education |
Andrew | Roach | Professor | College of Education & Human Development | Counseling & Psychological Services |
Nancy | Schafer | Clinical Professor | College of Education & Human Development | Early Childhood & Elementary Education |
Caroline | Sullivan | Clinical Professor | College of Education & Human Development | Middle & Secondary Education |
Carla | Tanguay | Clinical Associate Professor | College of Education & Human Development | Early Childhood & Elementary Education |
Gertrude | Tinker Sachs | Professor | College of Education & Human Development | Middle & Secondary Education |
Jianhua | Wu | Professor | College of Education & Human Development | Kinesiology & Health |
Cassady | Brewer | Professor | College of Law | |
Erin | Fuse Brown | Professor | College of Law | |
Karen | Johnston | Senior Academic Professional | College of Law | |
Stacie | Kershner | Senior Academic Professional | College of Law | |
Darcy | Meals | Senior Academic Professional | College of Law | |
Lauren | Sudeall | Professor | College of Law | |
Emily | Torstveit Ngara | Clinical Associate Professor | College of Law | |
Nimer | Aleck | Senior Academic Professional | College of the Arts | Art & Design |
Cynthia | Farnell | Principal Academic Professional | College of the Arts | Art & Design |
Meta | Gary | Senior Lecturer | College of the Arts | Art & Design |
Wesley | Harvey | Senior Lecturer | College of the Arts | Art & Design |
Kevin | Hsieh | Professor | College of the Arts | Art & Design |
Stephanie | Kolpy | Senior Lecturer | College of the Arts | Art & Design |
Neill | Prewitt | Senior Lecturer | College of the Arts | Art & Design |
Jennifer | Siegler | Senior Lecturer | College of the Arts | Art & Design |
Yu-Ping | Chen | Professor | Lewis College of Nursing and Health Professions | Physical Therapy |
Jodan | Garcia | Clinical Professor | Lewis College of Nursing and Health Professions | Physical Therapy |
Jacob | Irwin | Clinical Associate Professor | Lewis College of Nursing and Health Professions | Physical Therapy |
Lowell | Sanders | Clinical Associate Professor | Lewis College of Nursing and Health Professions | Health Informatics |
Regena | Spratling | Professor | Lewis College of Nursing and Health Professions | Nursing |
Cedric | Truss | Clinical Associate Professor | Lewis College of Nursing and Health Professions | Health Informatics |
Mary | Boone | Associate Professor | Perimeter College | English (A) |
Amber | Brooks | Associate Professor | Perimeter College | English (A) |
Lyndsay | Bytof | Senior Lecturer | Perimeter College | Fine Arts Department |
Julianne | Caton-Williams | Senior Lecturer | Perimeter College | Physical Sciences |
Jennifer | Colatosti | Associate Professor | Perimeter College | English (A) |
Illiad | Connally | Associate Professor | Perimeter College | Bus/SLIP/Health Info/Phys Educ |
Tanya | Dunkley | Assistant Professor | Perimeter College | ADN Program-Perimeter |
Valencia | Freeman | Assistant Professor | Perimeter College | ADN Program-Perimeter |
Nancy | Gilbert | Associate Professor | Perimeter College | English (A) |
Jeremy | Harris | Senior Lecturer | Perimeter College | English (B) |
Nicole | Harsch | Associate Professor | Perimeter College | Cultural and Behavioral Sciences |
Susan | Hughes-Isley | Associate Professor | Perimeter College | Humanities |
Colleen | Ijuin | Associate Professor | Perimeter College | Humanities |
Contessar | Maddox | Assistant Professor | Perimeter College | AND Program-Perimeter |
Clarence | Massie Jr. | Senior Lecturer | Perimeter College | Cultural & Behavioral Science |
Stacey | Mitchell | Associate Professor | Perimeter College | History & Political Science |
Erin | Morrey | Professor | Perimeter College | Life & Earth Sciences |
Alexis | Nduwimana | Professor | Perimeter College | Physical Sciences |
Michael | Nelson | Professor | Perimeter College | Physical Sciences |
Daniel | Paschal | Professor | Perimeter College | Physical Sciences |
Katherine | Perry | Professor | Perimeter College | English (A) |
Paula | Porto | Associate Professor | Perimeter College | Dental Hygiene |
Richard | Puscas | Associate Professor | Perimeter College | Mathematics |
Marcus | Rhymes | Associate Professor | Perimeter College | Mathematics |
Ilse | Rickets | Professor | Perimeter College | Life & Earth Sciences |
Brooke | Skelton | Professor | Perimeter College | Physical Sciences |
Rebecca | Weaver | Associate Professor | Perimeter College | English (A) |
Shellie | Welch | Associate Professor | Perimeter College | English (A) |
Sharon | Weltlich | Associate Professor | Perimeter College | Mathematics |
Theodore | Worozbyt | Professor | Perimeter College | English (A) |
Charlotte | Alexander | Professor | Robinson College of Business | Institute for Insight |
Soyoung | Boo | Clinical Associate Professor | Robinson College of Business | Hospitality |
Evaristo | Doria | Principal Senior Lecturer | Robinson College of Business | International Business |
Richard | Fendler | Clinical Professor | Robinson College of Business | Finance |
Laura | Green | Senior Academic Professional | Robinson College of Business | Risk Management & Insurance |
Harley (Chip) | Ryan | Professor | Robinson College of Business | Finance |
John | Thielman | Principal Academic Professional | Robinson College of Business | Risk Management & Insurance |
Marta | White | Clinical Professor | Robinson College of Business | Management |
Wenxion (Vincent) | Yao | Professor | Robinson College of Business | Real Estate |
Elizabeth | Armstrong-Mensah | Clinical Associate Professor | School of Public Health | Health Promotion & Behavioral Sciences |
Brian | Barger | Research Associate Professor | School of Public Health | Population Health Sci |
Harry | Heiman | Clinical Professor | School of Public Health | Health Promotion & Behavioral Sciences |
Ike | Okosun | Professor | School of Public Health | Population Health Sciences |
Carlos | Pavao | Clinical Associate Professor | School of Public Health | Health Promotion & Behavioral Sciences |
Kim | Ramsey-White | Clinical Associate Professor | School of Public Health | Health Promotion & Behavioral Sciences |
Colin | Smith | Clinical Associate Professor | School of Public Health | Health Promotion & Behavioral Sciences |
Tamika | Barnes | Librarian Associate Professor | University Libraries | Administration |
Mary Ann | Cullen | Librarian Associate Professor | University Libraries | Alpharetta |
Daniel | Le | Librarian Assistant Professor | University Libraries | Library Research & Engagment |
Bryan | Sinclair | Librarian Professor | University Libraries | Administration |
Emily | Williams | Librarian Assistant Professor | University Libraries | Collection Development & Discovery |
Christina | Zamon | Librarian Associate Professor | University Libraries | Library Special Collections |
First Name | Last Name | Rank | College | Department |
Ruiyun (Frances) | Chen | Associate Professor | Andrew Young School of Policy Studies | Criminal Justice & Criminology |
Ashwin | Ashok | Associate Professor | College of Arts and Sciences | Computer Science |
Timothy | Barouch | Associate Professor | College of Arts and Sciences | Communication |
Mukesh | Kumar | Associate Professor | College of Arts and Sciences | Biology |
Wei | Li | Associate Professor | College of Arts and Sciences | Computer Science |
Angela | Mabb | Associate Professor | College of Arts and Sciences | Neuroscience |
Luke | Pangle | Associate Professor | College of Arts and Sciences | Geosciences |
Maria | Repnikova | Associate Professor | College of Arts and Sciences | Communication |
Pavel | Skums | Associate Professor | College of Arts and Sciences | Computer Science |
Elizabeth | Tighe | Associate Professor | College of Arts and Sciences | Psychology |
Sarah | Hansen | Associate Professor | College of Education & Human Development | Learning Sciences |
Min Kyu | Kim | Associate Professor | College of Education & Human Development | Learning Sciences |
Natalie | King | Associate Professor | College of Education & Human Development | Middle & Secondary Education |
Lauren | Margulieux | Associate Professor | College of Education & Human Development | Learning Sciences |
Jessica | Scott | Associate Professor | College of Education & Human Development | Learning Sciences |
Darien | Arikoski-Johnson | Associate Professor | College of the Arts | Art & Design |
Pey-Shan | Wen | Associate Professor | Lewis College of Nursing and Health Professions | Occupational Therapy |
Mathes A. | Dayananda | Associate Professor | Perimeter College | Physical Sciences |
Kimberly | Kellett | Associate Professor | Perimeter College | Life & Earth Sciences |
Melody | Kelley | Associate Professor | Perimeter College | Physical Sciences |
Andrew | Kim | Associate Professor | Perimeter College | Computer Science |
Ryan | Lake | Associate Professor | Perimeter College | Humanities |
Sahithya | Reddivari | Associate Professor | Perimeter College | Computer Science |
Christopher | Stringer | Associate Professor | Perimeter College | Physical Sciences |
Michael | Majerczyk | Associate Professor | Robinson College of Business | Accountancy |
Deepa | Varadarajan | Associate Professor | Robinson College of Business | Risk Management & Insurance |
Amanda | Gilmore | Associate Professor | School of Public Health | Health Promotion & Behavioral Sciences |
Jidong | Huang | Professor | School of Public Health | Health Promotion & Behavioral Sciences |
Ashli | Owen-Smith | Associate Professor | School of Public Health | Health Promotion & Behavioral Sciences |
Dennis | Reidy | Associate Professor | School of Public Health | Health Promotion & Behavioral Sciences |
First Name | Last Name | Rank | College | Department | Action |
Neeley | Gossett | Assistant Professor | Perimeter College | English (B) | Tenure |
Benjamin | Lawrence | Associate Professor | Robinson College of Business | Hospitality | Tenure |
Information provided by the Office of Faculty Affairs.
Page Assembly and Editing: Kate Billard, Office of Faculty Affairs
Promotion and Tenure Table Encoding: Godfried Solomon, Office of the Provost
Photo Gallery: Carolyn Richardson, Department of Public Relations & Marketing Communications
Supervising Editor: Jeremy Craig, Communications Manager, Office of the Provost
Executive Editor: Corrie Fountain, Interim Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs