ATL Facts
Learn more about the city and region we call home.
Relocation 101: Essentials for Your Move
Are you coming to join us? We’re excited! Visit Relocation 101 to find more information that you need to know before you move here, including more about
- Neighborhoods
- Schools
- Driver’s Licenses/Vehicle Registration
- Voting
- Utilities
- Local Attractions & Things to Do
- … and more.
Explore the Great Outdoors
Learn more about all of our area’s outdoor spaces, parks and recreation!
How Atlanta & Georgia State Can Fuel Your Career
- Corporate and community partnerships on a scale unavailable at most other research universities
- Research collaborations with Atlanta’s many universities and colleges
- Just 15 minutes to an international airport with non-stop service to 45 countries
- 23 international research centers and 160 international university partnership agreements
- One of the top 20 states for higher education quality (US News 2023)
- Atlanta’s vital connections to both the nation’s history and its global future
Atlanta’s Advantages
- Cost of living below the national average
- A city culture marked by warm hospitality
- The business capital of the Southeast
- Walkable and distinct neighborhoods
- Four different seasons and mild weather
- A green city where parks abound